Tag: Asia

September 25, 2011 Tessa Bradford 1 comment

China is crazy, chaotic, and confusing. But once you spend a bit of time here it starts to make a little bit more sense. A few things for you to keep in mind if you ever head over:

September 22, 2011 Tessa Bradford No comments exist

It was a rough start in Beijing. But things did begin to improve. My host found a nice hotel for me (and then I never spoke to him again. Trust issues, and all that). This place had an actual lobby, security cameras, and clean rooms. Those three things are wildly under appreciated, I think. So…

September 21, 2011 Tessa Bradford 2 comments

Beijing didn’t start very well. I got off the plane at around midnight and was picked up by a host from the university. He was there to take me to a hotel, then help me adjust to life in China in the following weeks. We drove for about an hour to get into the Haidian…

August 24, 2011 Tessa Bradford No comments exist

So after my weekend trip to Kenting I had an insanely crazy, busy, draining, stressful week. I won’t get into it, but let’s suffice it to say I was pretty worn out.