Author: Tessa Bradford

October 10, 2016 Tessa Bradford 1 comment

The Choice a Traveler Makes I am a nomad. My life is lived far from home, and every little while I uproot and move on. I get restless easily, I fall in love too quick, and I’m always wondering what the next thing will be. But every once and awhile I come close to going…

January 21, 2015 Tessa Bradford 7 comments

Lost in Venice My Florentine melancholy didn’t last very long. I was sitting on the train to Venice and across the car was another girl, clearly a seasoned traveler. She munched on a bag of granola while she read out of a tattered paperback and leaned on her well-loved backpack. She was a girl after my…

January 18, 2015 Tessa Bradford 7 comments

The Beauty of Florence I was sitting on a bus after leaving the hippie commune, head foggy from wine, wondering where I was going and what I was going to do there. Rachel had to head back to Rome but I was going north to Florence, probably.  [spacer height=”20px”]

November 30, 2014 Tessa Bradford 3 comments

Backpacking Europe A video of the almost-3 months Nicole and I spent backpacking around Europe. We began in Ireland, then made our way to England, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. There were lots of good friends, beautiful places, and strange adventures along the way.

November 19, 2014 Tessa Bradford 8 comments

10 Travel Experiences to Have in Your 20s Everyone should travel. It tests boundaries, broadens horizons, teaches lessons. Travel is an escape and a teacher and a life-fulfiller all in one. The easiest time to travel is undoubtedly in your 20s, and at that stage in your life you’re also more open to some of…

November 6, 2014 Tessa Bradford 3 comments

A Commune In Tuscany You know what I’d never done before? I’d never lived in a hippie commune. So while I was traveling on my own through northern Italy I decided it was high time I tried it out– and as luck would have it there was a hippie commune in Tuscany just waiting to…

October 24, 2014 Tessa Bradford 10 comments

You Should Teach English in Taiwan Teaching in Asia is super easy, and you can make a ton of money. Also, Asia is the best. I keep getting emails about how to move to Taiwan to teach, so I’ve decided to write a series on it. Here’s the first one: Why you should teach English in…

October 18, 2014 Tessa Bradford 2 comments

In Rome there was Pasta and Wine When I think back to the time I spent in Rome I think of the food and the wine, and I think of the three guys I was traveling with. Too smart for their own good, their back-and-forth banter was like a high stake’s contest where cleverest comment wins….

September 9, 2014 Tessa Bradford 13 comments

10 Reasons to Love Taiwan I’ve never made it a secret that I love Taiwan. Like, really love it. But I was talking to a Taiwanese friend the other day; he’s been traveling and keeps meeting people that only know that Taiwan isn’t in the UN and is claimed by China, and he was starting…

August 21, 2014 Tessa Bradford 12 comments

Southern Italy and the Perfect Pizza Do you know what I love? Traveling. Ok, you’re not shocked in the slightest. This IS a travel blog after all. It would hardly be appropriate to keep it up if I didn’t love traveling.[spacer height=”20px”] But specifically– I love that Travel, with a capital T, is never really what…