There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.

Jack Kerouac, On the Road

You know, I don’t actually like the book On the Road by Jack Kerouac.
The men in the book had all given up, and traveled with a sort of hopeless desperation.
They're nothing like the traveler that I aspire to be.
But they do serve as a reminder to me, to be a different sort of traveler–
to let the road always call me, but not because I have nothing else.

The original name of this site is Nowhere to Go but Everywhere.

It's not about the hopelessness of having no where to go–
but the excitement of having everywhere to see.

I have spent the last five years traversing the world.
I've motor-biked most of Southern Asia, paraglided the Himalayas,
volunteered with lions and tigers, helped build a Buddhist monastery,
worked in a commune in Italy, hiked the Great Wall of China,
horse-trekked the northern steppe of Mongolia, herded sheep with nomads in Austria,
and spent years as a teacher in Taiwan.

These adventures define my life.
They sustain and inspire me, even in those moments when I've lost my way.

The world is big and beautiful and full of incredible moments.
I hope to share that with you, and to remind you that

there is always everywhere still to go.

My next adventure

2017 has had me in Tanzania, South Africa, and Colombia so far.

It's time to take a break, celebrate a parent's wedding and a sister's baby, and just be home with family a little while.

But don't doubt it for a minute-- itchy feet and a wondering heart will have me ready to wander again soon.

By the way, the pictures on the About page were taken by Alec Vanderboom, a very talented photographer and great friend of mine.

64 Comments on “About

  1. Hello 🙂 Thanks so much for the follow on my blog. Your blog is amazing …all the places you have traveled. I will now be following you and reading about all the places you have been …I can travel through you now! 😉

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! I’m in Mongolia with rather spotty internet at the moment, so I’ll have to wait, but I’ll work on it as soon as I can!

  2. Thanks Tessa-Rose for the follow on my blog. I have just started my traveling and blogging about the same. Hope to catch each other soon on various adventures. Till then happy travels.

    P.S- Do come to India

  3. Hi,
    Dear Thanks for visiting my post and give your presence by liking…!
    Looking great your blog…Hope to live around each other..! 😉

    1. Hey, thanks so much! Sorry it’s taken me awhile to work on this, it was a busy month. I’ll get on to nominating other blogs right now! And thanks again for the nomination!

      Happy travels 🙂

  4. Nice blog. I especially enjoyed your writings about the meaning of travel: “It makes me grow up, but it lets me stay young”. Wonderful! I am planning my first trip to Taiwan in August and will be using your road trip as a template. Happy travels! 🙂

  5. Heya, thanks for stopping by and for your follow. I’ve just scanned through your blog and I’ve got to say I’m little jealous of your travels. 🙂

  6. You have really been around, young lady! I was a bit hesitant as to travelling between China and Taiwan (?) , but it seems that you made out all right? I have been to Taiwan also, but way before you were born, and I’m sure it has undergone a radical change since then.
    But you haven’t been to Norway? Really?! But now you are about to embark on a digital journey, I understand?

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog! There are more than 2900 images waiting for you – mostly ‘full screens’. And if you’re still in Mongolia, I’d be delighted if you’d visit my blog as much as possible. I’m sort of ‘collecting countries’, but visits from Mongolia doesn’t seem to stick in my statistics? It seems that they do not like the Internet that much in Mongolia?

    Make yourself a pot of tea. You have a lot of images to sift through!
    And may be you’ll just have to visit Norway as well? Please enjoy!

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