There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.
Jack Kerouac, On the Road
You know, I don’t actually like the book On the Road by Jack Kerouac.
The men in the book had all given up, and traveled with a sort of hopeless desperation.
They're nothing like the traveler that I aspire to be.
But they do serve as a reminder to me, to be a different sort of traveler–
to let the road always call me, but not because I have nothing else.
The original name of this site is Nowhere to Go but Everywhere.
It's not about the hopelessness of having no where to go–
but the excitement of having everywhere to see.
I have spent the last five years traversing the world.
I've motor-biked most of Southern Asia, paraglided the Himalayas,
volunteered with lions and tigers, helped build a Buddhist monastery,
worked in a commune in Italy, hiked the Great Wall of China,
horse-trekked the northern steppe of Mongolia, herded sheep with nomads in Austria,
and spent years as a teacher in Taiwan.
These adventures define my life.
They sustain and inspire me, even in those moments when I've lost my way.
The world is big and beautiful and full of incredible moments.
I hope to share that with you, and to remind you that
there is always everywhere still to go.
My next adventure
2017 has had me in Tanzania, South Africa, and Colombia so far.
It's time to take a break, celebrate a parent's wedding and a sister's baby, and just be home with family a little while.
But don't doubt it for a minute-- itchy feet and a wondering heart will have me ready to wander again soon.
Reading your blog is like looking into what I hope my future looks like! How did you ever make the decision to move to Asia?
I’d always been fascinated by Asia, and when I studied in Taiwan it just felt like the right place. I was only there two months for a summer program, but two months was enough. About six months after that program ended, I moved to Taiwan. Best decision I’ve ever made. Good luck in your own travels, and feel free to email me if you’ve ever got questions or just need that extra push of motivation to make a move!
Thanks for following me. It sounds like you are very adventurous. 🙂
Hi, thank you for the visit and the follow. Traveling is wonderful isn’t it? I see you too like Asia. I recommend you try incredible India! I hope you will visit again soon and often! Have a lovely weekend! Anne
Asia has my heart. I dream of seeing India– and will, one of these days! Mongolia is next for me, though!
I am honored that such a beauty started to follow my blog! 🙂
Thanks, I appreciate it 🙂 Happy travels!
Thank for visiting and following my blog – yours looks really interesting. Now following back! TDx
Hi there,
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere and for the follow. Your support is much appreciated, 🙂
Thanks for following geokult-travel. returning the favour 🙂
Congratulations, Tessa-Rose!
I have nominated your blog for the WordPress Family award.
More about this nomination is at
Thank you so much! I’m flattered that you would think of me and my blog. This is my first blog award! Time to go make an awards page.
Your life story is Interesting.
Glad that you like learning to cook my hometown, Chiang Mai. Welcome and be our guest anytime you’d like.
Have a happy trip wherever you go!
Thank you- I appreciate it! Chiang Mai is a great city.
thank you for following my blog! happy that you like it 🙂 what an interesting blog you have! for sure will be back here 🙂
Thanks for following – so glad you did – it gave me a chance to discover your amazing blog! Looking forward to reading more 🙂 xx
Hi T-R…thanks for visiting my blog page – looks like you are making good headway into your travel bucketlist 🙂 Enjoy & take care…no more Luang Prabang experiences, OK? 😉
Cheers, Owen
Haha, deal. Being very careful these days… well, being more careful, anyways– life is full of risk wherever you go, isn’t it? Thanks for checking out my blog!
Oops typo…. I meant Vientiane scenario, sorry 😉